Do you know this movie-
Serendipity (2001)? (Got the spelling right?) Starring John Cusack etc etc. Nothing amazing about it. In fact, I didn't like the cast or plot of the film. Parts of the film are funny but that's about it. It's along the line of movies such as Annie Hall, Sleepless In Seattle, When Harry Met Sally. What is strange is that I always happen to catch it when it's showing. Caught the movie when it was first shown in the cinemas here. A friend had spare tickets. Subsequently, I managed to watch the movie or parts of it on TV on various occasions/locations. So, this, now, is like the 5th or 6th time I've seen it. And the film is really about mad coincidences. I blame it on the repetitive program schedules of cable tv.
Anyway, I decided to note down some details of the film on this 6th outing.
Sightings in the movie-
A book titled
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Strictly for the hopelessly romantic. Either this book or some other won the author the Nobel Prize.
The star system Cassiopeia. Had to look up the spelling for this one. Yeah, I know how to spell it now.
The movie
Bridges of Madison County was mentioned.
The ice-skating rink in Rockefeller Center, Central Park, NY.
Waldorf-Astoria hotel. Bloomingdale's.
Fatum means Fate, Destiny or Doom, in Latin.
That Nick Drake's song.
In other news, I just got my first phat lewt (epic), after what, 5 months of WoW?
Phat Lewt