Friday, October 08, 2004

School's out for the bloody summer

Quipped Spike, just before he died.

Hmm. Getting late and I should be in bed but I couldn't sleep. Played some System Shock 2 (again) which I downloaded earlier. Thank god for The Underdogs and Looking Glass for the classic game. And only just watched the final episodes of Buffy Vampire Slayer before that on starworld. Ended with a bang and all- reduced the whole Sunnydale into a mere crater. Still, 'bits' were missing here and there, not exactly The Greatest Finale (I still remember that final episode of M*A*S*H to this day), but good enough for me. Props to Joss Whedon. I've missed tonnes of episodes and even entire seasons, but for those parts I've watched/followed- they were good, never failed to make me snicker just a little. I enjoyed the Firefly series by Whedon too, but that too, ended too soon.

"You know Buffy. Sweet girl. Not that bright."
- Willow

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