Friday, November 26, 2004

Ed/Turkey Day

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Like most of the other good stuff, they're all set to can this one.

Between watching the series, Ed, on tv and anticipating to play WoW, I'd say life is pretty alright.

Ed- mainly because it has some of that Northern Exposure feel to it and it features a bowling alley...

Also, it's Thanksgivings. And Christmas is a month away. Not that the day will be any different for me, just nice to see most everyone in a festive mood and feeling generally happy about it.

Christmas reminds me of this...

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And this...

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Just the fact that it always seemed to be snowing in Cicely. :/

I want to see Morty (or any moose) out in the wild, in a field of white snow. On Christmas day. And then I will die a peaceful man. lol

Feeling all nostalgic about NX/Morty the Moose/the emotional weather reports all of a sudden. Think about it, there's a fella named Ed in NX too. Hmm.

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