Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Movie Music

Nothing much. Happened by this blog earlier. The blogger discussed movie music that he liked. In it were a couple of my favourite films and true enough, they all had memorable theme music.

One of which caught my attention- the Indian film Pather Panchali. He wrote that he had put up the music from the movie, by well-known musician Ravi Shankar. The link didnt work though. It pointed me to another site and through some searching I found the sample music I was looking for.

Here's a part of the music from Pather Panchali-

The music echoes familiar scenes from the movie. Such is the brilliance of wonderful movie music.

Now and Then, Here and There

I remember watching this anime long ago too- "Now and Then, Here and There", days before I was due for enlistment into army. It was a moving and sad anime. The anime made me ask myself a fundamental question- "Can I bring myself to die before I'm forced to kill a person in a war?" I don't know the answer and probably never will. This uncertainty scares me more than anything else.

"Because ten billion year's time is so fragile, so ephemeral... it arouses such a bittersweet, almost heartbreaking fondness." -NTHT

NTHT ending song

To prey upon stillness,
to suffer dawn,
to bow before God,
to administer grace,
to unveil space, to
be spirited away,
to lift a child
into the reigning air
where the voice of heaven
chirps like a bird
- Patti Smith

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