Ever had this feeling- when you woke up, you got a sensation that every single thing you believed in in this world had been wrong? A chill that hits the spine. Your understanding and ideals of what this world should have been. Your core belief that underlying all that is Humanity, underneath this facade, goodness exhumed. What if all of it is wrong? Nothing good had resulted from human existence. Why should we matter? Everyone seemed lost. You are part of a huge lost crowd.
Maybe after all this is done, all we can do is stick a huge signpost that reads, "We were here. (and we've fucked it up)" And someone or something may chance on this signpost in the far future and thinks, "Hey, that's cool."
Maybe this weather and heat is getting to me. :) No doubt about it- We're killing Earth. I have had a hand in it; I am a murder accomplice.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
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