The word is out. I am sure you have all heard about him. Spawned from the raging inferno (or 'wet queues') that is the infamous singing contest show- Singapore Idol, he is Singapore's very own superhero- Banana Man aka Melon Man aka Saikomelon. I mentioned "Singapore" because I found out there was an Original Banana Man. Still, this Melon Dude is the coolest thing to hit local tv since... I can't think of anything better on local tv. There is not a cooler banana since Banana Yoshimoto or Bananas in Pyjamas. He is greater than the William Hungs or Clay Aikens.
A Flash (done by NCH/ref from sganime.com forum) had been made for him. Here's an alternative site to download the flash.
I also found the Original Banana Phone Song by Raffi (a Canadian entertainer). Do check it out. Pretty good song actually.
Finally, an Exclusive- From the words of the man himself. (He revealed that he did not meet the judges at all and that he is supposed to be a watermelon)
"Thank you all for the support everyone. I'm really honored.
CloudStrife, the mask was homemade by my mother. Cannot buy outside one.
wira, it's true, I never did see the judges. The judges were probably shown my audition clip, and their reactions recorded. Then they just blended it with my audition video. >_< If you look carefully, you notice you'll NEVER see me and the judges in the same 1 shot."
-Banana Man (Saikomelon) on gamersquare.com forum
[Random Fact: I'm supposed to be a watermelon. But I guess everyone thinks I'm a BananaMan instead probably because my banana hairdo stands out more, along with my bananaphone song. Oh whatever. Cheers! :P]
-Banana Man's Friendster's description
The Controversy- Here is an observation by Agagooga from Balderdash blog-
This Gamersquare post reveals that the judges only judged contestants who'd made it through a first round of screening by "MediaCorp TV Channel 5 executives and music professionals". Which begs the question of how *some* people got through. Maybe they were so bad that the executives and music professionals let them through just so the real judges could skewer them for entertainment."
-Agagooga (Balderdash blog)
That is pretty sick if you think about it.
Also, I have seen pictures revealing the true identity of Banana Man posted on the internet. I appeal to these folks and everyone else to keep our superhero's identity a secret.
Now I thought, how cool it will be if the entire audience wear Banana Masks to the grand final of Singapore Idol. The day of reckoning and you get an audience-full of Banana Men. How cool will that be? Maybe the judges can don Banana Suits on that day too.
So, if you ever need a hero, you know who to call. And what phone to use. Riiiinng Riiiinng Riiiinng... Banana Phone!
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