What does Wowee Zowee mean to me?
I remember 3 songs sandwiched together- Flux = Rad, Fight This Generation, Kennel District. Flux's a very cool song. Fight This Generation had me humming "Fight-tis Generation" forever. Kennel District is a great Spiral Stairs song. Kennel District also reminds me so much of The Pixies... the "ooo-ooo-ooo" part. :D I think maybe Spiral Stairs likes the Pixies too. And then there's Grave-Ar-chi-tec-ture- I never knew u could put the word "architecture" in the lyrics of a song and it'd fit so well. "We'll Dance, we'll dance..." The album is full of memorable songs. It counts as one of Pavement's great albums and there's every reason to re-release it. But of course, I'm biased when it comes to Pavement. I find that Stephen Malkmus can't make a really bad song.
There's also the closer. I always enjoyed the "closer song" in all the Pavement albums. In this case, it is Western Homes, but we all know the real closer is the 6mins Half a Canyon before that. I listened to this band Grifters later on and in the notes, they wrote Pavement as one of the influences. To me, it's like the whole One Sock Missing album (great album btw) took off from/was launched by this Half a Canyon song. They got the whole Grass Blues thing going too.
Found a version of Half a Canyon on Stereogum.com. It's different from the original album version. This is more like, dubbed "space-blues"? There's also a new version of In the Mouth of a Desert on Matador website.
Pavement- Half a Canyon (Live in Australia) (Stereogum.com)
Pavement- Heckler Spray/In the Mouth of a Desert (Live in Los Angeles) (Matadorrecords.com)
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