"When the first living thing existed, I was there, waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished.
I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights and lock the universe behind me when I leave."

-Death of the Endless. Sandman series by Neil Gaiman,
Mike Drigenberg. copyright DC comics
FT's visit here prompted me to put up this cool pic I've stored in my hard-drive for centuries. I think I was influenced by some crazy friends. Like them, I often imagine folks around me to be certain characters from books or tv. That's how I remember them too. Brenda is Droopy Dog. Alien is an Alien. Georgene is Lane from Gilmore Girls. And FT happened to remind me of Death. *hurhur* Mainly I want to try putting up images here too. So, this is Death from the Neil Gaiman's Sandman series, one of my favourite comic series. She is cool. She carries an Ankh around her neck- the egyptian symbol for Life. Here's a brief Biography.
i get honourable mention! haha... gee why the HELL do i remind u of death.. i'm so pure.. and innocent... *o)
heh anyways i got the sandman series too.. still lying around somewhere haha.. with Death and all. *o)
anyhoos.. do check out mywebbie at aftiel.com
I don't know, FT. You just sorta reminds me of her. Well, she's pure and innocent in some ways too. I've visited your blog, will post some comments soon. :o)
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